With and without a free CineD LUT applied. Thank you for your interest! With and without a free CineD LUT applied. These are 16 creative LUT styles for 7 different camera (and LOG) types, so you should be pretty well covered for all kinds of situations. We have partnered up with “Resolve Guru” Casey Faris ( check out his YouTube channel here) to create a bunch of cinematic basic LUTs exclusively for CineD readers. You might already seen the pop-up in the past few weeks: CineD is offering an exclusive free LUT package to our entire audience.

To fix this, we’ll select the node before and change the output gamma to “Cineon Film Log”.But as we apply the Rec709 LUT, we see that it is overly contrasty footage. We will go to film looks under LUTs and select Rec709 Kodak 2383 D55.But that will be the topic of some other day. It basically works in replacement of a Log to Rec709 LUT, only offering more utility and flexibility.

For those who don’t know what the last node does here, it basically transforms your footage from the color space it was shot into Rec709. Our current node tree involves white balance, Primaries, grain, and Rec709 Color Space Transform. After we have imported and graded the footage.