Jake Gyllenhaal continues to justify his standing as one of the finest actors working right now, giving a quiet and darkly comedic performance that is absolutely fundamental to the success of the film. As a film, Demolition is a quiet powerhouse of emotion. Demolition is one of the first films I've seen that seemed to reflect my methods for dealing with stress (on some level anyways) that didn't ultimately indict them. I'm a put together individual, relatively mature and pretty steadfast in my fundamental beliefs and morality, especially considering I'm 19.

People often deem this method unhealthy, something I vehemently disagree with. It's a quietly destructive system of dealing with hardships, but from my experience I think I would prefer it to the alternate, more vocal and public approach. I internalize everything, burying it deep down inside and doing my best to ignore until eventually, it just goes away or the world solves the problem for me. If I got fired or failed a class, my general demeanor wouldn't change enough to be noticeable.

If someone close to me died, you wouldn't know it unless I told you. I'm the kind of guy who buries everything deep down.