Resolve’s clone tool will back up your valuable camera files on location so you can copy camera files to multiple destinations with checksum validation for safekeeping while you’re still on set. You can move, copy, consolidate, relink, and archive media, timelines, or entire projects. Resolve also features advanced media management tools designed for editorial and color workflows.

You can use multi-GPU systems such as the Mac Pro or build a dedicated Windows system with up to 3 GPUs. Resolve is scalable and supports multiple GPUs all working together. As with the grading side, the editing side also has hundreds of other features and capabilities. This is a major time benefit when each user is assigned a specific task. As for collaborative support, Resolve allows multiple people to work together on the same timeline at the same time. The trimming tool is context sensitive, meaning that based on where you position the mouse cursor on the timeline, Resolve will automatically switch to the trimming function you need, so you can ripple, roll, slip, slide, or extend and shorten your footage without having to manually switch tools.

The editing functionality in Resolve is designed to handle TV dramas, commercials, multi-camera productions, and all other project types from the smallest to largest. This is the core of Resolve’s color grading functionality, and there are hundreds of advanced features and capabilities in addition, such as grading from raw Files, automatic color matching, and 3D tracking. In all, you can combine grades, effects, mixers, keys, and plug-ins in any order to create limitless color effects and unique looks. Resolve is a node-based color grading system - nodes being similar layers - where each node can have color correction, isolated areas (power windows), and effects, and in which unlimited numbers of nodes can be joined together sequentially or in parallel.